Monday, February 10

Best way to secure good marks in Community Medicine (PSM) – Study Tips and Tricks


Community Medicine is one of the major subjects in MBBS that deals with contagious/non-contagious diseases which occur in masses. The aim of mastering Community Medicine is majorly prevention of diseases within communities or social groups. For prevention, it is needed that future doctors understand the nature of the disease, the molecular structure of pathogens, the reaction of different types of drugs, and more.

Few tips and tricks to prepare for Community Medicine in MBBS

Firstly, know the syllabus and segregate the topics according to practices in the real world. Ideal segregation can be – epidemiology, vaccines, ways that result in the prevention of diseases, and screening or diagnosis of communicable/non-communicable diseases. Taking topics one by one, a student of Community Medicine can proceed with related topics that include a detailed study of biostatistics, the relation of health with genetics, healthcare approach for the community, management of biomedical waste, disaster management, prevention of epidemics, identification and precaution of occupational health hazards, the impact of environmental changes on human healthand more.

Secondly, students can join online medical courses for community medicine. This will ensure the maximization of their learning efficiency, and they will be able to identify their learning pace while grasping the most confusing topics. The way online community medicine courses are designed and delivered to students is very effective. Besides offering PSM notes and the best quality study material, online platforms also provide video lectures which are as good as classroom lectures or even better since students can pause, rewind, fast-forward and watch as many times as needed.

PSM in MBBS is a challenging subject given the fact that it gets updated constantly. Hence, a student can never really feel contented that he or she has covered the entire syllabus. Reading newspapers and subscribing to online medical news will help students to stay updated with the latest developments.Community Medicine needs a practical approach on part of students as the subject finds application everywhere – locally as well as internationally. Higher studies in PSM can open prospects ofpromising careers in public health departments, hospitals, awareness organizations, and academic fields- all of which offer handsome pay even at the entry-level.

Lastly, a student of Community Medicine must know how to study effectively.For example, while a lesson is being explained, a student usually takes notes. These notestransform into a voluminous pile in due course of time. Often, students procrastinate a thorough reading of the notes after attending the lecture. This creates a huge learning gap. Studies have found that a freshly-learned topic can be remembered for a longer time when a person goes through the notes within a few hours. At the same time, a student must also have the skills to understand where to focus, which topics to emphasize, and how to read- effectively filtering out the excess or irrelevant.


1. How to select the best book to study PSM?

Ans. There are a variety of books available on Community Medicine. However, ensure that you choose the ones written by renowned authors only. PSM is a subject that needs more than textbook-based knowledge. Hence, you need to keep an eye on the latest PSM developments from around the world. You can also opt for online courses on PSM that offer high-quality learning materials and also help you keep a tab on PSM advances in India as well as globally.

2. How much time should I dedicate to learning Community Medicine?

Ans. You should dedicate enough hours to clear concepts along with their real-world applications. Don’t forget to revise the topics you have already covered regularly. Ideally, 2- 3 hours per day should be enough to prepare for Community Medicine.

3. When should I start preparing for Community Medicine?

Ans. Second-year is the best time to start preparing for Community Medicine. You may start your preparation by referring to general question patterns as well as question papers from previous years. Find out quality PSM notes that concisely provide tons of information.