Sunday, September 8

What is Attachment Parenting?

Attachment parenting is a type of parenting that emphasizes the importance of building a solid emotional bond between parent and child. This bond is considered beneficial for both the parent and child, as it can lead to increased communication and interaction.

In addition, attachment parenting has been shown to improve the child’s overall sense of security and self-esteem. This blog will look at some of the principles of attachment parenting; namely:


This is one of the first and most essential steps to attachment parenting. This means that, as soon as your child is born, you should try to spend as much time with them as possible. This will help to create a strong emotional bond between the two of you. In addition, it’s essential to be physically responsive to your child’s needs.


The parents should share one bed so that the newborn is closer to them because the newborns require the parents’ warmth. Furthermore, bed-sharing makes night-time breastfeeding an easy task, thus keeping the baby fed and healthy.


This is another crucial aspect of attachment parenting. This is because breastfeeding helps create a solid physical bond between mother and child. In addition, it has been shown to have many benefits for the child, including improved immunity, increased cognitive development, and reduced stress levels.

Pros of Attachment Parenting

Some benefits have been associated with attachment parenting. For example, studies have shown that children raised in this environment tend to be more secure and have higher self-esteem.

In addition, they also tend to be more communicative and interact more with their parents. Finally, attachment parenting has improved the overall relationship between parent and child.

Cons of Attachment Parenting

While there are several benefits to attachment parenting, there are also some potential drawbacks. For example, some critics argue that this type of parenting can be too demanding on the parents, and it can lead to feelings of guilt or failure if they cannot meet their child’s needs.

In addition, attachment parenting can also be challenging if the parent and child do not have a solid bond to begin with. Lastly, while the child grow there will be dependence on the parent to cover the needs thus, they will hinder the ability to make decision.

To wrap up, attachment parenting comes in handy educating yourself on the basics of attachment theory is essential. This will help you understand the importance of building an emotional bond with your child.

Moreover, be as responsive as possible to your child’s needs. It would be best if you tried to meet their needs as soon as possible and be attuned to their feelings and emotions. Finally, make sure to provide your child with love and support. This can be done through both verbal and physical affection.